Keiser Report: Destabilization, Algobots, Counterfeiting (E474)
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert
discuss the global counterfeiting schemes that Interpol failed to stop
this past week: spoof trading high frequency algobots, brokers
trafficking in bogus derivatives backed by delusional collateral, rob
signing mortgage forgeries and fake Libor rate setting bankers. They
also look at the interest rate swaps that sank Detroit, Harvard,
Jefferson County, Alabama and Greece. In the second half, Max talks to
Sandeep Jaitly of, about gold backwardation, Flaming
Jamie, a run on the gold markets and the fact that fiat can't fail in
fiat terms but it can in gold. Max also says that if Snowden can press
one button and take down the US, then people should ask for delivery of
physical gold.