
Showing posts from May 7, 2010

Michael Krieger - on The Keiser Report talking about the Gulag Casino Economy

Max Keiser explains the Computer Aided Market Making CAMM - outsourcing the frauds to the Computers May 06, 2010 — This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the scandals of repaying American taxpayers with their own cash. They also check out the headlines on Lloyd 'I'm Too Mysterious' Blankfein, Bernie 'I'm Just a Market Maker' Madoff and Warren 'I Love My Goldman Investment' Buffett. In the second half of the show, Max interviews investment adviser, Michael Krieger, about "America's Disneyland and Neo-feudalistic, Gulag Casino Economy," financial war between the US and China; and about which nation will be the first to back its currency with gold.