
Showing posts from October 26, 2009

Asset bubbles and the role of central banks explained by Max Keiser

Max Keiser talks to Stacy Herbert about asset bubbles and the margin rate recorded on October 24th 2009 Tags: max keiser jim rogers fed federal reserve boe bank of england alan greenspan mervyn king asset bubbles margin rate goldman sachs karl denninger marc faber mish peter schiff Jim Puplava fiat money

the culture of Goldman Sachs explained by Max Keiser

Max Keiser talks to Stacy Herbert about the culture of Goldman Sachs recorded on October 24th 2009 Tags: max keiser peter schiff goldman sachs culture inside information charlie rose mafia jim rogers fed federal reserve karl denninger marc faber mish bob chapman bonus bonuses inflation deflation illegal transactions stocks

Max Keiser s unified theory of inflation deflation

Max Keiser talks to Stacy Herbert about his unified theory of inflation deflation recorded on October 24th 200 Tags: max keiser jim rogers fed federal reserve goldman sachs citigroup citibank citi bank karl denninger marc faber mish peter schiff bob chapman bonus bonuses inflation deflation merrill lynch derivatives Tags : Jim Rogers Peter schiff swine flu asia china commodities Schiff Glenn beck Gerald Celente Marc Faber Nouriel Roubini George soros Dollar Amero euro currency Ron Paul Warren Buffet scandal dollar Fema Camps toxic assets NWO UK Britain pound sterling gold Max Keiser Lou Dobbs civil unrest turmoils Credit Crisis Economy Housing Market Mortgage Stock Jim Rogers Builders China Dollar Euro Gold Home Investing Market Oil Soros Stock Yen Yuan Ben Bernanke Fed Street Wall Peter Schiff economy economic collapse crash gold silver oil bubble doom inflation depressio...