Max Keiser Report: Guest Mitch Feierstein, Planet Ponzi author (30May13)

Author of Planet Ponzi, Mitch Feierstein on the financial frauds in the markets, by banksters, central banks, and governments.

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert observe that spankings are trading at an all time high in London while on international markets, the enduring love for gold sees record volumes of physical metal trading hands. In the second half, Max talks to Mitch Feierstein, author of Planet Ponzi, about VIX volumes surging as old dummies are replaced with new dummies in the global central bank operated ponzi scheme. They discuss the optimism bias that provides a ripe environment into which UK chancellor, George Osborne, can introduce the biggest ponzi of them all with his "Help to Buy" scheme.

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