Max Keiser: World Government & World Tax is Here!

Everyone needs to understand and remain aware of 1 chief truth in this. When this criminal government purchases all this ammo, when it stages military exercises in our cities and when it prattles on about the "rule-of-law" etc, it is not doing so for the purpose of protecting citizens or the nation. It is working to protect an agenda. They play to your sense of morality and justice(most people think violence is a bad thing, immoral, and they paralyze you from action in that way


  1. Jesus...does Alex Jones ever let anyone talk...holy shit he's in love with his voice.

  2. Listen up folks, this might save your life if TSHTF.

    There is an old saying which goes, heat is half meat, there is another where 12 days and 500 is the magic number for longevity.

    In other words, if you can keep dry and warm and have no less than 500 calories you can survive twice as long in a resting or hold up scenario, you can easily survive for that length of time. Once you start moving about and burning energy you will last much less on that sustinance.

    In desperate exposed settings many people will not be able to survive, as is seen in natural dissaster zones of late, where help is long coming of only a few days.

    Best action model is to bulk up and bug out with enough calories for 20 days, until its all over, prepare now, because if and when it happens, many millions will be absent on the return journey believe me.

    Twelve day rule, tried and tested, remember those sayings.


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