Max Keiser : Give The Nobel Prize to Monsanto

Max Keiser : Give The Nobel Prize to Monsanto next time

The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the European Union for its role in securing peace to the continent , This a joke and a farce , and What makes this so disgusting and even sad is that it undermines the values and virtues of past recipients truly worthy of it. They've turned it into a joke award for despots and lunatics who have anything but "peace" in their hearts and minds.The Nobel Peace Prize is an obscenity.


  1. Man, are you correct. NPP has become part of the 'show' to protect the bigger lie... to keep the matrix-lie in the minds of the sheeple.

    I wrote to the NNP .. people, telling them so. I guess they didn't listen to me. :)

    Anything big enough to be a world-wide meme can only be so if it is 'allowed' to happen, by TPTB.

    Knowing that, I ignore all accepted government-related memes as BS.


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