Hugo Price and Max Keiser can save Greece

Silver is the key and removing the criminal bankers. Silver is the best investment for the next 10 years. Bar none.Max Keiser and Hugo's proposal is to use the silver coin as currency...just like their drachma. It can be used at stores or exchanged for drachmas at the current rate to deposit into electronic accounts to pay bills and write checks.their plan is to use the silver coin in parallel with their drachma reboot. This way the drachma and the silver coins will compete with each other as well as supplement each other

Money = Debt. The minute the first unit of currency is printed+interest to a private central bank, more money is owed to the bank than is in existence. The system is doomed to fail from the very beginning. It is designed to confiscate the wealth of the people and put it into the hands of the money power.
1.) No interest to a private central bank
2.) No fractional reserve banking.
3.) The currency MUST be valueless.

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