Max Keiser : global insurrection against the banker occupation

Max Keiser : we are at a historic inflection point where you do have this global insurrection against the banker occupation , you have thousands of protestors around the world ....because the credit collapse started in 2007 you have the underline banking business starting to fray at the edges so these desperate attempts to create an SDR , European wide credit facility these are the last gassed efforts to try to keep the system afloat ....


  1. Max, a few years back you suggested a boycott of you think this would be an effective move now to prove to the current system the power that the movement does have? Collapsing the banks will result in major problems for all U.S. citizens but getting one corporate power house to listen might be the leverage the movement needs to get politicians and 'wall street' to listen. We have started Occupy Coca-Cola and we want to take this all the way...but we need some help. Obviously for a boycott to be successful it has to be well known and well executed. Hopefully we can have a dialogue about this idea. Thanks.


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