Stephen Leeb On The Keiser Report - Oct 26, 2011

Max Keiser interviews Stephen Leeb, editor of the Complete Investor on 2011 and author of Red Alert: How China's Growing Prosperity Threatens the American.All of a sudden this guy understands inflation, and commodities as a hedge. Well as they, hindsight is 20/20. Be nice if he owned up to ho wrong he's been up until now.Leeb got the government intervention and criminal socialist redistribution of wealth that he espoused for years. Now he is not happy with what he thought was the solution to the crappy economy in early 2009.


  1. I love how the Anti-China hysteria only comes in after the U.S. economic advantage is threatened. They are only doing what they learned from the U.S. what happened to the buddy-buddy attitude that the U.S. has had with China for the last two decades?


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