Max Keiser : Michael Moore is illiterate when it comes to what capitalism is all about

Max Keiser Michael Moore is illiterate when it comes to what capitalism is all about , his movie missed the mark by miles , sice his movie came out 5 or 6 movies one of them called Meltdown for example which really are fantastic and which really get into the real problem that capitalism is rigged ....


  1. Max, will you be visiting the occupy London camp? You should as it would boost moral. What do you think of the cynical ploy that St Paul's 'PLC' are taking against the camp, all because their tourist takings are down? Do you know they charge £14.50 per adult to get into that place and £5.50 per child? So they have closed the cathedral citing Health and safety which is BS. Of course is an attmept to get the public against the the protest so that they can get them moved without losing face. They just want to get on with tourist business as usual.


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