Max Keiser : The European Banks are going to go completely Belly up

Max Keiser : The European Banks are going to go completely Belly up

The banks are using the govt to rehape the world in their image. They are winning, austerity is global, and it is real. They live, people are getting the shit end of the stick. What can people do? No matter who the vote in the fake democracies, the banks keep winning, I guess civil disobiendence is all thats left, saying no, dont pay taxes or mortgages, barter with others directly. Well, I am all for it. I hope that this "occupy wallstreet" movement gains more traction and has a more concise purpose. The Fed, banks and congress prey off of our ignorance and inability to penetrate their well established network. I just feel that without a major media outlet for this cause, it will eventually dissipate.


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