Max Keiser : Berlusconi is a buffoon , the IMF wants Italy's Gold

Max Keiser : Berlusconi is a buffoon , the IMF wants Italy's 2400 tons of gold , Greece Portugal and Ireland are small PIIGS compared to the giant PIIG that is Italy , the IMP wants it and wants it bad cause Italy has one of the largest gold reserves in the world namely 2400 tons and I am not counting the Gold that is in the Vatican which is another state , it is said that most of the Incas and the Mayas Gold ended up in the underground of the Vatican City , Italy is also a vibrant 2 trillion dollars economy and has many assets to be looted by the IMF bankers in case they find a way to it


  1. Nice posting vie videos, Gold has been advancing for over 10 years now, from a low of $252 per ounce in 1999 to where it sits today at $1,755, which is a gain of over 595%. With gold at unprecedented levels (previous bull market high was $850/oz) is it any wonder why someone would question starting to acquire gold?
    us gold coins


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