👉Jobless Claims And Evictions Soaring to Historical Record Highs !!
👉Jobless Claims And Evictions Soaring to Historical Record Highs !! We have never seen anything like this in our history. Banks falter. Infrastructure crumbles. Schools closed. Retail sales are tumbling. Consumer spending plummeting. System fails. Small businesses giving up and going under for good.Especially those with high fixed overhead, restaurants, bars, gyms. It is going to take years to recover from that. Corporate America is more indebted today than ever before. And an average of one million Americans are losing their jobs every and each week. Overall, 57.3 million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits over the past 22 weeks. All this while Law and Order are crumbling. Say hello to the depression. The number of people who newly lost their work and filed for initial state or federal UI in the week jumped to 1.43 million. A rate of 6 million a month. And you can add to that another 543,000 for new claims filed under a separate program for self-empl...
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