The dollar funds America s wars Max Keiser on RT
The Demise of the Dollar , Max Keiser on Russia Today 06 Oct 2009
World's major powers including China and Russia don't want to 'finance' American military adventures anymore. That's the view of Max Keiser, finance critic and former stockbroker. He says China and Russia are interested in collapsing the US economy by rejecting the dollar.China, Russia and other countries moving to shift from dependence on the dollar are tired of funding US wars, says activist and former stockbroker Max Keiser.
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Max Keiser peter schiff money bomb obama alex jones jason bermas infowars Tim Geithner federal reserve hr 1207 blue lood scumbags david rockefeller eco science population control wall street st fox news zombie white house black ops 9/11 inside job fbi cia nsa mossad glenn beck fake patriot acorn obamacare Alex Jones police state brutality pigs cops looting sheeple bailout banks stimulus ben Ron Paul Rand Daniel Hannan judge napolitano lew rockwell nouriel roubini
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