More Gambling in the Casino Gulag Economy

Max Keiser on The Alex Jones Sept 2 2009

More gambling in the Casino gulag economy says Max Keiser who was on the Alex Jones this Sept 2nd 2009 , Max Keiser also introduces his project Pirate myfilm to Alex Jones and invited him to join it , Keiser hosts three shows on BBC Russia today and the Iranian Press TV plus one radio show from London , Max Keiser also said that he will start a campaign to boycott wholesale foods a company from Austin Texas the same way he did it few years ago to Coca Cola , Keiser and Alex Jones will also debate about the healthcare in America compared to that of Europe and precisely France where Max is living.....


  1. Max See This fits into your thinking like a glove.

    Best Regards,

    Jerry Baldy

  2. Why no one say anything about Laura Bush's expense? Or Barbara bush?

  3. hello this topic is very interesting, thanks for collect and post this information about Max Keiser on The Alex Jones Sept 2 2009


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