Max Keiser on France24 US Unemployment Numbers are Fake

Max discusses the financial headlines with France24. US unemployment numbers better than expected, markets rally. Max offers his opinion on how Treasury bonds are sold.


  1. Would anyone like to discuss what the last several administrations have done to the US economy?

    The Federal Reserve, the Bretheren of the Central Banks you too are saddled with, have inflated currency and GDP's across the globe.

    The root is Taxation and the desire for government to push monetary supply, then velocity, then tax rates to feed their coffers.

    Remove that ability to tax citizens work, you will relieve us all of the troubles they have concerned.

    Please remind people what MONEY is. It is an exchange medium for People's TIME and EXPERTISE. Giving away money without a single Unit of Human Capital behind it will sink everyone.

    And PLEASE remind folks that the US has not had a Free Market, that would have never allowed this garbage to take place, since 1934. The advent of the IRS and the Federal Reserve along with the add-on Alphabet Soup Nazi's, particularly the EPA, FDA, USDA, FLM et al have not allowed a Free anything and has been instituted to drive prices higher and earning lower - all the while providing greater and greater governmental control for nearly a CENTURY.

    Every Socialist scheme implodes upon itself. The time of the US and maybe the worlds scheming is about up. At least we can once again learn from the mistakes of allowing Peerless Groups (UN, World Bank, IMF) to control so many with no consequence to their negative actions and bad intentions.

  2. We need to have an "America-Thon." That way we can raise some money. If every man, woman and child on this planet contributes $100 to America, boom, we're fine. Problem solved.

  3. touche above anonamous, touche indeed

  4. Wake-Up America - the fun is over!


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