There Will Be a Revolution in America Max Keiser

tens of millions of guns are setting around waiting to be used in America Chrysler CEO together with other CEOs and Banksters should get a boat and run away before the Revolution strikes

in Europe there is a Revolt not a Revolution :


  1. like that resonance show
    way ahead
    cant bekieve i know about naked short selling etc
    really essential work you're doing there ,keep it up ;
    cant believe you have as much air time as you have .you must be aproaching them from a blind spot,revolutionary propaganda doesnt come with this degree of business insight

  2. There is a lot of truth in those words. In the United States, where I live, the revolutionary, hardliner spirit of earlier generations seems to have given way to a much more pacifistic attitude in dealing with those who would do us harm. As American wealth and retirement funds evaporate, an increasing number of individuals are asking questions, becoming bolder and more vocal in expressing displeasure with the actions of those in power. As crime increases and riots unfold, a full blown revolution might only be a matter of time.

  3. What does not kill you, makes you stronger...
    Its not that we (working class Americans) are treated badly. Its that we are not pampered! Which will benefit us in the long run.

    By the way...It’s just as much the unions fault for forcing the Big 3 to pay ridiculous salaries to unskilled laborers as though they had master’s degrees.

  4. This is the fault of Congress. Congress can't run anything and never could.


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