Max Keiser Tweetcast #9

Max Keiser Tweetcast #9


  1. Dear Max and Stacy,
    We love listening to both of you!
    We have some questions for you....
    1. Why do you live in France?
    2. How does French living compare with the US... living standards... pros/cons?
    3. We want to leave the US too, but where to go...any suggestions?
    4. What do you think of Argentina?
    5. What do we do with our US dollars?
    6. We don't think our dollars are safe.....devaluation.
    Thank you.
    Keep up the good work.
    Julie and Mike DeLuca

  2. Hi Max and Stacy.
    we think you are great here in Denmark,and are awaiting more honest news from you.We will like
    to support your grassrootmovement against the corporate domination ,as we without regards for copyrigths ,links and promote you on ALL posible
    web-sites ,in denmark,and elsewere .Our favorit
    is your simple stand on american foreign policy-
    "look what happend to Irak " ,instead of endless talks of sunni and shi-i.
    Thanks a lot ,and keep it coming .Important as of now,is to expose the liars and promote the truth.
    If you need us to investigate,something in specific ,please let us know,as we may be of some help to you,from here.Should you happend to
    come to Copenhagen ,we would be happy ,to help arrange ,som venue for a speech.
    Thank You


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