Max Keiser Tweetcast # 7


  1. You forgot to mention that the G20 meeting has sealed Death Sentence on the Dollar.

    They will issue 5 trillon in SDR's from now to year 2010. The actual paper currency reserve in Central Banks is 4,2 trillion dollars. 63% are dollars , 28% euros, and 9% other.

    With this SDR's printing we have a real "world currency" (not yet fully in existance) that is intended to fully replace all currencies in Central Banks and international exchange.

    All will happen quick.

    My country received a lot of free money, and un to 2010 my country Argentina will receive (amount equal to) 50 billion dollars.. Argentina's actual reserves 46billion. This mean all Argentinian's reserves become free to pay debt IN CASH :)

  2. Rock on Max Keiser


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